Monday, December 8, 2008

or What's a Nice Kid Like You Doing in a Place Like This?

Con mi traquea aún intoxicada por el perfume de tu cuello
y mi torrente sanguíneo hirviendo como aceite en caldera de ritual pagano,
transmuto mi carne a otro ser: semejante al animal por el instinto
y por el pensamiento al hombre, mi hermano.

Y ahora que en breves términos, soy la perfección consumada, confinada a éste volumen material;
a tu recuerdo he de recurrir
cada noche que al dormir
no encuentre refugio alguno en estas sábanas lejanas a tu pensamiento;
y al despertar aún somnoliento
cual indefensa víctima del insomnio,
mi faz se humecte ligeramente
tras el anhelo de hallar cercanía con tu celestial figura
cuando al permanecer encerrado en este manicomio
aún después de haberme considerado un demente
hallas infectado a mi ser de sanidad y a mi mente de cordura.

Mas, resumiendo la relación de nuestra piel,
privaré el proferir alaridos a mi boca insensata
que habita en un desierto ansioso de consumir tu néctar
y reavivar el oasis de mi retina tras recordar como al oír tus tiernas palabras de algodón,
inspirabas en mí lo más profano.

Habiendo terminado mi travesía falta de razón y lógica,
donde la coherencia fuese inhóspita,
propino sabiamente descanzo a mi último recurso en existencia,
mientras desmiento a mi mente del relato recién recreado, recordando realizar
nuevamente un margen entre la injusta realidad de un demente
y su imaginación representada gráficamente.

Friday, October 3, 2008

fry dai

another friday,

another frustated plan,

another grey sky afternoon

and another beer at my hand.

abuse is not what i aim for,

maybe it's him aiming at me..

haha hope this is a good nite,

not THAT 'good' such as last friday..

Saturday, September 27, 2008

wise words spoke mr. cobain

today i woke up, that's what I want to think, I guess...
could say I am proud I do remember what I did last night at "the party"
but I'm not glad about it
.... noww here we go!
i've just set up the properties in order to listen to some good music while i write (it's like my 2nd try at mac, good looking but i'm still not to fond of it...)
it's like 4pm here, saturday as you can see on the post date , blah-blah
i remember leaving home yesterday at like this hour and still no signs of my being there, that's sad...
but not as this thing, suddenly i felt like writting but only to figure out there's nothing new to write, last nite i didn't get drunk (Y) but drank a lot of booze, party was fine, made somefriends, then got to this guys' , he' s been a good pal since i canremember, he made me quit smoking (for a while, then i did it for myself , now i do smoke but less than before) ok...
the reason im here is because i couldn't reach home on the state I was a few hours ago
soi called him but instead of staying here we went to a park (i stayed sleeping in the car ) then gopt into the middle of nowhere, miles andmiles away from what i love to call hometown, then again to his crib where we stay rite now he's currently sleeping (probably had a great nite 2) whatever... i think i'm not going to be the sameone next time i write in here, for now i'm gone, but I WILL BE BACK pff haha annnd next time i won't think of my existance as a piece of shit as i do today, someday i'll be proud of having born and will stop doing stupid things like mixing jack daniel's, buchannan's 12, beer monster, boost and stuff on my stomach...

at leeast now i feel better having heard such graceful melodies from btbam

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Anthropophobiac, redux.

a gray sky I grab as my ceiling
the rain is pouri(n)g (o)utside of my being...
inside there is calm like a white colored room,
like after lobotomy
in a while black ink will start p(o)uring all i(n)side m(e)
that until nothing is visible
I (inside me) will feel cold, wet and alone
no one to show me the path and I' ll be lost inside of me
and there will be no hope for me to find me
for no one (but me) can know my inner self.

had problems uploading this one, I didn't know it was saved as a draft until now, the original date is 9/24/08